
About Me

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope your journey through my writings will give you something to cherish. Do feel free to leave your heartprints. They help me to become a better person, a better writer.

Born and Brought up in The City Of White Revolution called Anand, Gujarat. This blog showcases my writing in a variety of fields like technology, Latest Trends, Love, Life, Poems, Fun etc.

There are times when most of us feel that somewhere in our lives we have lost the real “us” under layers of responsibility, family expectations, social mores, relationships and other outside influences that try to shape us into something we might not want to be. We feel that our true identities are concealed behind the masks we feel compelled to wear in order to fit in. I was a victim of these things and needed to free myself, to have my own space, to tame the raging torrent inside me and help it flow gently. I wanted to fill the empty spaces in my life and find a place where I could express myself with the freedom I desired. I wanted to express myself without the restrictions imposed by religion, rituals, customs, dogmas, caste, color and gender. That’s when I found my voice as a writer and started this blog. The inner critic constantly pulled me away, but I persisted. It’s been a journey defined by hard work and today I feel I am finally walking a path which will take me to my destination.

My blog is a blend of memories, dreams, promises, passions, desires and the vibrant colors of nature. I love to travel, to cook, to discover new things and love to share these experiences.
I appreciate your comments and emails and always try my best to be prompt in my reply. Sometimes due to hectic schedule, it might not be possible to answer your queries/emails promptly, but I do always get back as soon as I can.

Comment Policy:
I appreciate your comments and feedback as a guest of my blog. I welcome your comments/feedback that are constructive and useful to all and if you want to leave your comment, let it relate to the topic. Unkind, rude, mean and spam comments are not welcome and will not be approved (such comments would be sent to moderation). I generally treat people online the way I would if they were with me in person, and expect others to do the same when they are here at my blog.

Earnings from ads that are displayed on the site help support the running of The Raghav Tripathi Blog and cover few costs in terms of hosting server and software. Currently, TechnoGeekTalk Blog receives 2 million page views with 650,000 unique visitors per month (as on April 2013). The Majority of the traffic comes from India, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Middle East and Asia. If you are interested in advertising on the Raghav Tripathi Blog and wish to inquire further, please contact via email at

Copyright Policy:
Please note that the images and content of my blog are copyright protected with All Rights Reserved, unless otherwise noted. Kindly respect it and refrain from plagiarism.

Thank you for visiting Raghav Tripathi Blog! To learn more about me or connect with me you can follow me on Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram so that we can interact there.  You can subscribe to TechnoGeekTalk Blog  to get notifications of the latest posts as and when I update both the blogs.

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