As mobile devices continue to proliferate an increased
emphasis on serving the needs of the mobile user in diverse contexts and environments,
as opposed to focusing on devices alone.
The top 10 strategic technology trends for 2015 are:
Computing Everywhere
As mobile devices continue to proliferate an increased emphasis on serving the needs of the mobile user in diverse contexts and environments, as opposed to focusing on devices alone.
"Phones and wearable devices are now part of an expanded computing environment that includes such things as consumer electronics and connected screens in the workplace and public space," said David Cearley, vice president & Gartner Fellow. "Increasingly, it's the overall environment that will need to adapt to the requirements of the mobile user. This will continue to raise significant management challenges for ITorganisations as they lose control of user endpoint devices. It will also
require increased attention to user experience design."
The Internet of Things
The combination of data streams and services created by digitizing everything creates four basic usage models Manage, Monetize, Operate and Extend. These four basic models can be applied to any of the four "Internets." Enterprises should not limit themselves to thinking that only the Internet of Things (IoT) (assets and machines) has the potential to leverage these four models. For example, the pay-per-use model can be applied toassets (such as
industrial equipment), services (such as pay-as-you-drive insurance), people
(such as movers), places (such as parking spots) and systems (such as cloud
services). Enterprises from all industries can leverage these four models.
3D Printing
Worldwide shipments of 3D printers are expected to grow 98 percent in 2015, followed by a doubling of unit shipments in 2016. 3D printing will reach a tipping point over the next three years as the market for relatively low-cost 3D printing devices continues to grow rapidly and industrial use expands significantly. New industrial, biomedical and consumer applications will continue to demonstrate that 3D printing is a real, viable and cost-effective means to reduce costs through improved designs, streamlined prototyping and short-run manufacturing.
Advanced, Pervasive and Invisible Analytics
Analytics will take center stage as the volume of data generated by embedded systems increases and vast pools of structured and unstructured data inside and outside the enterprise are analyzed. "Every app now needs to be an analytic app," said Cearley. "Organisations need to manage how best
to filter the huge amounts of data coming from the IoT, social media and wearable
devices, and then deliver exactly the right information to the right person, at
the right time. Analytics will become deeply, but invisibly embedded
everywhere." Big data remains an important enabler for this trend but the
focus needs to shift to thinking about big questions and big answers first and
big data second the value is in the answers, not the data.
Context-Rich Systems
Ubiquitous embedded intelligence combined with pervasive analytics will drive the development of systems that are alert to their surroundings and able to respond appropriately. Context-aware security is an early application of this new capability, but others will emerge. By understanding the context of a user request, applications can not only adjust their securityresponse but also
adjust how information is delivered to the user, greatly simplifying an
increasingly complex computing world.
Smart Machines
Deep analytics applied to an understanding of context provide the preconditions for a world of smart machines. This foundation combines with advanced algorithms that allow systems to understand their environment, learn for themselves, and act autonomously. Prototype autonomous vehicles, advanced robots, virtual personal assistants and smart advisors already exist and will evolve rapidly, ushering in a new age of machinehelpers . The smart machine era
will be the most disruptive in the history of IT.
Cloud Computing
The convergence of cloud and mobile computing will continue to promote the growth of centrally coordinated applications that can be delivered to any device. "Cloud is the new style of elastically scalable, self-service computing, and both internal applications and external applications will be built on this new style," said Cearley. "While network and bandwidth costs may continue to favor apps that use the intelligence and storage of the client device effectively, coordination and management will be based in the cloud."
In the near term, the focusfor cloud/client will be on synchronizing content
and application state across multiple devices and addressing application
portability across devices. Over time, applications will evolve to support
simultaneous use of multiple devices. The second-screen phenomenon today
focuses on coordinating television viewing with use of a mobile device. In the
future, games and enterprise applications alike will use multiple screens and
exploit wearables and other devices to deliver an enhanced experience.
Software-Defined Applications and Infrastructure
Agile programming of everything from applications to basic infrastructure is essential to enableorganisations to deliver the flexibility required to make
the digital business work. Software-defined networking, storage, data centers
and security are maturing. Cloud services are software-configurable through API
calls, and applications, too, increasingly have rich APIs to access their
function and content programmatically. To deal with the rapidly changing
demands of digital business and scale systems up or down rapidly, computing has
to move away from static to dynamic models. Rules, models and code that can
dynamically assemble and configure all of the elements needed from the network
through the application are needed.
Web-Scale IT
Web-scale IT is a pattern of global-class computing that delivers the capabilities of large cloud service providers within an enterprise IT setting. Moreorganisations will begin thinking, acting and building applications and
infrastructure like Web giants such as Amazon, Google and Facebook. Web-scale
IT does not happen immediately, but will evolve over time as commercial
hardware platforms embrace the new models and cloud-optimized and
software-defined approaches reach mainstream. The first step toward the
Web-scale IT future for many organizations should be DevOps bringing development
and operations together in a coordinated way to drive rapid, continuous
incremental development of applications and services.
Risk-Based Security and Self-Protection
All roads to the digital future lead through security. However, in a digital business world, security cannot be a roadblock that stops all progress.Organisations
will increasingly recognize that it is not possible to provide a 100 percent
secured environment. Once organizations acknowledge that, they can begin to
apply more-sophisticated risk assessment and mitigation tools. On the technical
side, recognition that perimeter defense is inadequate and applications need to
take a more active role in security gives rise to a new multifaceted approach.
Security-aware application design, dynamic and static application security
testing, and runtime application self-protection combined with active
context-aware and adaptive access controls are all needed in today's dangerous
digital world. This will lead to new models of building security directly into
applications. Perimeters and firewalls are no longer enough; every app needs to
be self-aware and self-protecting.
Computing Everywhere
As mobile devices continue to proliferate an increased emphasis on serving the needs of the mobile user in diverse contexts and environments, as opposed to focusing on devices alone.
"Phones and wearable devices are now part of an expanded computing environment that includes such things as consumer electronics and connected screens in the workplace and public space," said David Cearley, vice president & Gartner Fellow. "Increasingly, it's the overall environment that will need to adapt to the requirements of the mobile user. This will continue to raise significant management challenges for IT
The Internet of Things
The combination of data streams and services created by digitizing everything creates four basic usage models Manage, Monetize, Operate and Extend. These four basic models can be applied to any of the four "Internets." Enterprises should not limit themselves to thinking that only the Internet of Things (IoT) (assets and machines) has the potential to leverage these four models. For example, the pay-per-use model can be applied to
3D Printing
Worldwide shipments of 3D printers are expected to grow 98 percent in 2015, followed by a doubling of unit shipments in 2016. 3D printing will reach a tipping point over the next three years as the market for relatively low-cost 3D printing devices continues to grow rapidly and industrial use expands significantly. New industrial, biomedical and consumer applications will continue to demonstrate that 3D printing is a real, viable and cost-effective means to reduce costs through improved designs, streamlined prototyping and short-run manufacturing.
Advanced, Pervasive and Invisible Analytics
Analytics will take center stage as the volume of data generated by embedded systems increases and vast pools of structured and unstructured data inside and outside the enterprise are analyzed. "Every app now needs to be an analytic app," said Cearley. "
Context-Rich Systems
Ubiquitous embedded intelligence combined with pervasive analytics will drive the development of systems that are alert to their surroundings and able to respond appropriately. Context-aware security is an early application of this new capability, but others will emerge. By understanding the context of a user request, applications can not only adjust their security
Smart Machines
Deep analytics applied to an understanding of context provide the preconditions for a world of smart machines. This foundation combines with advanced algorithms that allow systems to understand their environment, learn for themselves, and act autonomously. Prototype autonomous vehicles, advanced robots, virtual personal assistants and smart advisors already exist and will evolve rapidly, ushering in a new age of machine
Cloud Computing
The convergence of cloud and mobile computing will continue to promote the growth of centrally coordinated applications that can be delivered to any device. "Cloud is the new style of elastically scalable, self-service computing, and both internal applications and external applications will be built on this new style," said Cearley. "While network and bandwidth costs may continue to favor apps that use the intelligence and storage of the client device effectively, coordination and management will be based in the cloud."
In the near term, the focus
Software-Defined Applications and Infrastructure
Agile programming of everything from applications to basic infrastructure is essential to enable
Web-Scale IT
Web-scale IT is a pattern of global-class computing that delivers the capabilities of large cloud service providers within an enterprise IT setting. More
Risk-Based Security and Self-Protection
All roads to the digital future lead through security. However, in a digital business world, security cannot be a roadblock that stops all progress.
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